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Friday, May 28, 2010

HSBC Trading Bank in Canary Wharf

4 of our children Adel Antabli, Jamal Nokoe, Sideek Tawil and Mohammad Zia Adnan have been selected to be part, once again of the Mosaic Stars Leadership Programme this academic year. This time the trip is to HSBC Trading Bank in Canary Wharf.

As mentioned in the previous trip blog, Mosaic founded by HRH The prince of Wales, works towards an integrated and thriving society where all individuals regardless of background, are supported in realizing their potential.

I had an excellent feedback on our children good manners and great behaviour which is a gift that is a lifelong survival skill.
HS BC has given them the exclusive opportunity to have a tour and the chance to meet with their Senior Leaders in Canary Wharf. They have taken part in the Princes Seeing is believing visit lead by Abuali Malik Shroff, managing Director, Sheffield Real Estate.
The Princes Seeing is believing, which has been running for twenty years, invites senior leaders to see for themselves how business can play a role in tackling some of Britain's Most pressing social issues in some of the UK's most deprived areas. The visits focus on issues such as under achievement in schools, youth unemployment, homelessness and regeneration of disadvantaged communities.
The Senior Leaders has been given the chance to ask various questions and our children had debated and asked a lot questions which they have prepared before the end of the session.

A warm thank you to all at Mosaic.

ONCE AGAIN, WELL DONE BONDESBURY COLLEGE FOR BOYS. [pictures will be on the next blog]

Friday, May 21, 2010


A huge thank you on behalf of the children of Brondesbury College and the PTA to all parents who had kindly donnated food and money.
Also, a special thank you goes to Mr. bassam al saad for his kind contribution to the year 11 leaving party and to the International food evening.
We have had a marvellous response this year and your donation has played an important part in our programme.

Many thanks once again,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fenchurch Advisory Partners Leadership Team and Brondesbury College for Boys's representative

The Fenchurch Advisory Partners Leadership

Yesterday, 4 of our children from Brondesbury College for Boys, Adel Antabli, Jamal Nokoe, Sideek Tawil and Mohammad Zia Adnan have been selected to be part of the Mosaic Stars Leadership Programme this academic year.
Mosaic founded by HRH The prince of Wales, works towards an integrated and thriving society where all individuals regardless of background, are supported in realizing their potential.

Mr. Malik Karim, founder and Head of Fenchurch and member of the Mosaic Advisory Board has hosted the programme, he has introduced The Fenchurch to the children. Followed by an overview of the City given by Simon Yun-Farmbrough.

The children had been split into groups to discuss and debate various subjects with Fenchurch's team, Tom Murphy, Jerry Butcher and Kevin Cunningham:
1- What we do in corporate finance
2- Career paths
3- A day in the life

Fenchurch's team and CEO were very impressed by Adel, Mohammad Zia, Sideek and Jamel's behaviour. They congratulate them about their strong personalities, and the ways they had approched the challenging task during the workshop.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Please pencil in your calendar this important date where you can buy and taste all different food from different countries.

INTERNATIONAL FOOD EVENING at Brondesbury College for Boys

This Friday 14th May 2010 at 4pm

Friends and family are very welcom

Monday, May 10, 2010


PTA's team at Brondesbury College for Boys is organizing an international food evening.

Please join us on FRIDAY 14th MAY 2010 at 16.00 (4pm) inchallah
